March For Life Ottawa
May 14, 1969, fifty-three years ago, Canada's day of infamy resulted in at least 4 million "legal" abortions to date
Dear Friends,
You may recall from my last newsletter that yesterday evening there was a "meet and greet" with Spencer Ford, the Durham candidate for the New Blue Party, which took place at Protection of the Mother of God Catholic Church in Oshawa. I took Fr. Stephen’s suggestion to heart and went along to meet Spencer and ask him some “hard” pro-life questions! I was also curious about the New Blue party and thought this would be a great opportunity to get a little first hand information.
I found Spencer to be a very capable and enthusiastic candidate. He has a law enforcement background and certainly seems to be extremely well informed about our current political state (crisis) in Canada, especially as it relates to all things to do with The Great Reset (which is pretty much everything these days!). I got the impression that he is an excellent investigator and researcher. He was a very articulate and interesting speaker and I would guess that most of the folks at the meeting were impressed with him. He’s got that natural political and people-oriented bent to his personality. Most importantly I judged him to be a man of genuine good will who is really interested—even determined—to step up to the plate and do his part to rescue Canada from what he sees as a very bleak future.
As regards his pro-life credentials, he was not backward in saying that he was pro-life but, then again, most politicians are looking for all the votes they can get and too easily will say everything necessary to their audience to gain those votes. I asked him a number of direct and probing questions on the subject of pro-life and it was clear that he was not expressly pro-life in the sense of having any past affiliation with pro-life groups or personal involvement in public pro-life demonstrations, even the better known events such as the Life Chain or March for Life. However, he seemed to answer the questions as directly (no BS) and honestly as he could and answered unequivocally “No” when asked whether there ought to be any exceptions for abortion for rape, incest or (so-called) life of the mother. I would characterize Spencer as sincere and substantially pro-life but he needs education in right to life issues and a bit of street experience.
After the session was over I got a chance to shake hands with him, thanked him for his answers and told him I would pray for him. I also gave him the best pro-life pamphlet I had and suggested he take the time to look it over carefully.
Would I vote for him? (Technically I can’t because I don’t live in his riding.) Normally I wouldn’t vote for anyone who didn’t have solid pro-life credentials but under the current dire political circumstances I might take a chance with this guy and the New Blue party. As far as I can see they are the only serious party with a common sense platform that could potentially displace Ford in the upcoming election. Take a look at the chart below for some interesting numbers.
The March For Life is Thursday May 12, 2022. I’ll be tweeting out some messages throughout the day and if you use Twitter you can find my tweets by searching for me. My Twitter handle is
There are still seats available on the bus chartered by the Bowmanville and Cobourg Catholic parishes. The price is a bargain at $30 per person, children under 12 ride free. Book and pay online at the following link; it couldn’t be easier!
Cheap Seat: Bus for Ottawa March For Life Thursday May 12
LifeSite will be on the ground at the Canadian March for Life on Thursday, May 12
LifeSiteNews editor-in-chief John-Henry Westen will be streaming live from the event, which we will broadcast on the LifeSiteNews homepage, Rumble, Banned, and YouTube.
REGNUM CHRISTI Daily Meditations
Our Lady of Fatima Novena Day 7 plus TUESDAY ROSARY, May 10
Full Playlist here includes daily Novena
Tucker Carlson on Roe V. Wade Mobs: Christianity Stands In Their Way
FULL LIST: Pro-Abortion Vandalism, Church Storming Over Possibility Roe V. Wade Will Fall
A running list of pro-abortion attacks after the leak of a draft Supreme Court opinion overturning Roe v. Wade and allowing states to make their own abortion laws.
Don't Miss: Bishops Call For Prayer Over Roe Protests, And A 'Hard Hitting' Vocations Story
The Tuesday Pillar Post
Update on Unrest: Tabernacle Stolen, Catholic Church Defaced, Pregnancy Clinic Vandalized
‘We are not fighting flesh and blood. We’re fighting dark demonic forces.’
What Is At Stake In Roe Vs. Wade Goes Far Beyond A Squabble Between Left And Right
A few days ago, a draft opinion of the United States Supreme Court was leaked to Politico, suggesting that the majority was inclined to overturn the 1973 Roe v. Wade…
An examination of U.S. data from the period after Roe, during which abortion became legal nationwide, shows that widespread abortion access was correlated to an increase in pregnancies, while the birth rate itself remained flat.
‘I Told You So’ – The Dissenters In Roe Predicted Its Collapse
Dissents written by Justice Byron White and Justice William Rehnquist sound perfectly contemporary
Judie Brown: Loathing the Individual Human Person
For some it is acceptable to harass the family of a Supreme Court justice but beyond the pale to use graphic images to focus attention on the violence of abortion.
The Pope, the TLM and the Novus Ordo: Who’s Really Following Vatican II?
The Holy Father just cannot let it go: In remarks made the other day on May 7th to liturgical scholars at the Pontifical Liturgical Institute of Sant’Anselmo the Pope railed once more against ‘closed-minded’ Catholics…
The Catholic Thing: May Is Mary’s Month
Of all the poisonous aspects of the Reformation, none is more tragic, saving the disunity it caused, than the elimination of Mary from the heart of Christianity.
Crowning Mary: A May Tradition
Most churches and schools try to hold the crowning on or near Mother’s Day because Our Lady is both Queen and Mother to all the faithful.
Vatican Finds Itself on the Outside Looking In at Russia-Ukraine Diplomatic Efforts
Indeed, all the principal actors — Putin himself, Kirill, Ukraine’s government, Ukrainian Catholics, Orthodox Christians and NATO — now have serious grievances with Vatican interventions.
Maid Hearings Expose Divide In End-Of-Life Care
Seven years after Parliament legalized voluntary euthanasia in Canada, doctors and professors of medicine are still at odds over the definition of palliative care, funding for end-of-life care and the threat Medical Aid in Dying poses to the poor, vulnerable and isolated.
Everyone agrees that Mary is the mother of God, right? Not exactly. Here are three of the most common objections to the Church's teaching.
Has Mickey Mouse Morphed Into a Rat?
Nations die when national institutions crumble, and enduring traditions fade. They fall more from internal dissent and self-destruction than the blows of hostile barbarians.
Prophecy: May 21, Revolt, Money Collapse, Roe V Wade Overturned, Fr. Rodrigue
Aquinas 101: Evolution and the Creation of Man
The Catholic Church remembers St. Damien of Molokai on May 10. The Belgian priest sacrificed his life and health to become a spiritual father to the victims of leprosy quarantined on a Hawaiian island.
The Catholic Saint Who Dedicated His Life To A Leprosy Colony In Hawaii
…and became an inspiration for HIV/AIDS care. Canonized as a saint in 2009, Father Damien was designated the patron saint of people with leprosy
A newly found Maryland site provides interesting clues about the lives of Catholic colonists. Life for Catholics in colonial Maryland was difficult. In 1704, the Maryland Legislature passed the “Act to Prevent the Growth of Popery,” which banned Catholics from voting or holding office. Catholics were also ordered to worship only in their homes. Catholics in the area began building “Mass rooms” in their homes.
The problems of putting off children
Reject mistaken cultural pressures and remember that truly abundant life is achieved through giving and receiving love
2,000 Mules: Election Fraud 2020 - What Happened?
(Video link included) The new film by Dinesh D’Souza, 2,000 Mules, analyzes data obtained by True the Vote, and showing how ballot harvesting manipulated the 2020 election.
The Next Phase of the New World Order: Absolute Power
In June, we have an opportunity to give public comment on one of the World Health Organization's most harrowing proposals to date. Get your statement ready now, as this may be our last chance to stop travel restrictions, digital IDs, mandatory vaccines and vaccine passports.
Globalists Have Spelled Out Their Plan To Use The Ukraine Conflict To Impose One-World Government
Jeffrey Tucker: How the US Adopted CCP-Inspired COVID-19 Control Policies, a Timeline
James Roguski w/ Reiner Fuellmich On The Dangerous Plan The UN/WHO Have For Later This Month
VIDEO: The Who Should Concern You w/ Drs. Tess Lawrie & Mark Trozzi
Why every global citizen should be concerned with the WHO's upcoming 2024 Pandemic Treaty and solutions for a way out of a looming authoritarian catastrophe.
Grace Schara, a beautiful 19 year old young girl with Down Syndrome, died on October 13 at a COVID hospital.
See newsletter accompanying this video.
The Currency Reset Is Coming - 90% Of Nations Planning Digital Currency
A new report from the Bank for International Settlements estimates that up to 90% of national central banks are at least in the planning stages for launching a central bank digital currency (CBDC)
Emerald Robinson: America Has Fallen Into Tyranny
The Left is exempt from following our laws & everybody knows it
WHO and Guttmacher Publish Global Abortion Study
They want to abort every baby that is not specifically “planned.”
Is the Great Reset a conspiracy theory imagining a vast left-wing plot to establish a totalitarian one-world government? No.
Analyzing the vote in Ontario, Alberta and the CPC
Doug Ford Brings In Child-Care Plan That’s Good For Trudeau, Bad For Parental Choice
On March 28, Doug Ford brought Canada’s largest province onside with the Trudeau government’s “$10-per-Day Child-Care” plan. Ontario had been the lone provincial holdout.
Conservatives: Take Back Control Of The Abortion Debate (If You Believe It, Own It!)
Vitamin D: The Pac-Man Of Viruses, Bacterial Infections, And Cancer Cells
The Healing Oils for Heart Health: Do NOT Trust Your Government for Nutritional Advice
Health agencies, such as the FDA and CDC, are corrupt and serve the interests of Wall Street Billionaires and not the public. Traditional, healthy fats and oils have nourished populations for thousands of years. Newer “polyunsaturated” oils are toxic and dangerous to your health.
DO NOT FORGET: Food and water preparations